About Vienna

Vienna City Map

Navigate central Vienna and locate sights like St. Stephen's Cathedral, Ring boulevard, Hofburg, Spanish Riding school or Vienna State Opera on our Vienna city map!

Colourcoded icons (, , ) mark popular spots.
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or click on the icon for the name, a picture and a short description of this Vienna hot spot.
Click on the overview of Vienna at the bottom to get a larger city map of Vienna and even more sights, museums and parks.

Vienna City Map Map of Vienna - Overview onMouseOut= Museum of Applied Arts Stadtpark Karlskirche Naschmarkt Secession Vienna Opera House Albertina Burggarten Museum of Fine Arts Museumsquartier Spanish Riding School Hofburg Volksgarten Burgtheater Rathauspark St. Stephen's Cathedral Haas House Ankeruhr Ring Boulevard Sigmund Freud Museum MOYA Mozarthaus Vienna MOYA Donaukanal Vienna City Map