About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide

Festivals & Balls

Viennese culture & events: Wean Hean festival Foto: Günter Havlena | pixelio.de

Wean Hean (October)

"Wean Hean" is a unique festival which links traditional Viennese folksong ('Wienerlied') to world music and contemporary jazz. It offers the chance to dive deeply into the heart of Vienna's musical tradition.

The festival takes place annually at the beginning of October. Some concerts are organised in traditional vine taverns ('Heurigen'), some take place in urban hotspots to appeal to a diverse crowd and to generate interfaces with contemporary artforms.

The name of the festival is an allusion to Viennese dialect and means 'hearing / listening to Vienna'.

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