About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide


Valie Export: 'Der transparente Raum'

Valie Export (1940 - )

Valie Export grew up in post war Upper Austria and attended a convent school. Her quest for a more liberal surrounding took her to Vienna, where she met a rebellious group of artists: the member of Viennese Actionism.

Inspired by their philosphy and art theories Valie Export began to explore the issues of female sexuality by the means of multimedia art, film and video art, installations and body performances.

Major early works are the performance 'Tapp und Tast Kino' (Tap and Touch Cinema), a series of black and white photographies 'Körperkonfigurationen' (body configurations) or a co-production with actor Peter Weibel: 'aus der mappe der hundigkeit' (from the protfolio of doggyness).

Later she turned to digital photography, video art and installations. With great success: Valie Export has received many awards. Today, she teaches at the University of Arts in Berlin.

In 2002 she was invited to restructre one of the many arches of Vienna's city railway following a congested main street: the 'Gürtel'. 'Der transparente Raum' investigates the interaction of the female body and city planning.