About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide
About Vienna - Your City Travel Guide


Oskar Kokoschka

Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980)

In 1907 Oskar Kokoschka started to study at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts and worked for the 'Wiener Werkstätte'. Kokoschka's interests were not only limited to painting, but also to literature. His work at that time was considered as extremely violent and destructive. Due to this he was expelled from art school. By 1910 he went to Berlin and worked at the magazine "Der Sturm" as an illustrator. At the beginning of World War I he volunteered for the Austrian Army. In 1915 he was seriously wounded, taking years for his recovery.

In 1919 he was appointed professor at the Dresden Academy of Art. During the 1930s with the rise of the national socialist party the political situation began to leave a harsh impression on the art scene. In 1939 Kokoschka and his wife fleed to England, while his work was displayed in Munich in a mockery exhibition of degenerated art. After the end of World War II he returned to Austria. In 1953 he started running his "School of Seeing" at the 'Sommerakademie für bildende Künste' in Salzburg.

Famous work: "Adolph Loos"; "Loreley"; "Stilleben mit Putto und Kaninchen"